
Capitalism & Crisis > Nature of crisis

A weapon for the movement

10 May 2012

Comrades in London are beginning their collective study of Marx's Capital. Jack Conrad introduces what is still an unequalled work

Subjective and objective value

17 Jan 2019

Arthur Bough insists that value is labour and has therefore existed in every form of society

Working class trade policy

20 Dec 2018

Mike Macnair concludes his series on ‘free trade’ by looking at the positive alternative

Free-trade illusions

13 Dec 2018

Mike Macnair continues his argument against tailing the liberals

Trade, tariffs and financial stability

06 Dec 2018

According to the Federal Reserve, writes Michael Roberts, the risk of another recession is no longer ‘negligible’

Marx’s formulae confirmed

08 Nov 2018

Michael Roberts looks at the latest figures on the US rate of profit

Rethinking economics

16 Aug 2018

Attempts to broaden debate in university economics departments should be applauded, writes Michael Roberts

World trade and imperialism

02 Aug 2018

US hegemony is under threat from China, Russia and India, writes Michael Roberts

A $1 trillion trade war

12 Jul 2018

Michael Roberts looks at the likely end result of Trump’s new tariffs

When will the crunch come?

17 May 2018

Capital is facing a global debt crisis, warns Michael Roberts

The role of ideology

08 Mar 2018

At the end of the day the religious state functions in a way not dissimilar to that of the liberal bourgeoisie in the west, argues Yassamine Mather

Greatest abuse of humanity

22 Feb 2018

What is the link between neoliberalism and identity politics? Rex Dunn offers his thoughts on what he thinks was a remarkable broadcast

Zombies and the new volatility

15 Feb 2018

The ‘Goldilocks’ days of cheap money are coming to an end, Eddie Ford looks at the consequences

Chinese bank's alternative to Marxism

08 Feb 2018

Is ‘trading economics’ China’s new ‘ideologically acceptable’ theory of capitalism? Michael Roberts looks at the thoughts of a major figure in the People’s Bank of China

Earthquakes and H-bombs

08 Feb 2018

Paul Demarty reports on the heightening drama of US politics

Process of decomposition

18 Jan 2018

How can the ruling class extricate itself from the current impasse? Hillel Ticktin reviews the state of global capital

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